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The Department of Pathology runs a full-fledged laboratory providing a vast range of diagnostic services in different sub-specialities. It’s also helps physicians at the Kailash Deepak Hospital by performing testing services for different diagnostic and therapeutic evaluations. Laboratory services at the department are of global standard equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and the finest instruments for comprehensive diagnostic support. With an aim of having a patient- centric approach, the department is committed to ensuring quality laboratory testing.
Our highly qualified laboratory staffs leave no stone unturned in delivering results in the shortest possible turnaround time. The department is headed by the HOD Pathology and is supported by Senior Consultants, Consultants, Medical Technologists & Technicians, Histotechnologists, Cytology Technologists, Pathology Assistants, Lab Assistants, Microbiologists, Biologists, Chemists, and counsellors.
The Laboratory at the Pathology department is in integrated with the hospital information system to facilities testing reports and other results to the clinician. In order to add a multi- dynamic approach, specialities from the department usually participate in external and internal quality assurance programs.
This section strives to provide quality Laboratory services in Hematology.
The new-generation clinical microbiological laboratory concentrates not only on routine cultures and sensitive testing, but also on molecular, serological and immunological diagnostic tests for all infectious diseases.
In additions, an important function is the specialized role it plays in controlling hospital- acquired infections, following Hospital air, water, equipment cleanliness, employee hygiene & immune status.
Apart from providing state-of-the-art infectious disease diagnoses, it provides consultative services for the clinical staff and physicians of the hospital and information to all the support staff.
Histopathology & Cytopathology boasts of full automation and a team of Pathologists with excellent knowledge of surgical pathology and Cytopathology which includes Body fluids Cervical smears, FNAC and Guided FNAC also offering quality reports with one of the best turnaround time.
Door step Services: 011-35353535
Home Sample Collections and delivery of Reports is available at nominal charges on prior booking.
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